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Monthly Archives: February 2014

The Frozen Blue

We lived for a momentous four years in a house whose back yard was licked every winter by the rising waters of the Tualitan river. That was the place where I dreamed of flying cars, test driving two of them and straining to memorize the pedal layout and dash in hopes that outside the dream...

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ICU Trained

One of the best things we did for my daughter who loved horses was to pay for riding lessons. The main instructer was a petite fireball, a normally proportioned adult who will never tip 110 lbs. with enough attitude for any five individuals. She demonstrated complete control of her horses.     Rachael was loathe...

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He Planned to Live Past Ninety

Public displays of unhappy emotions (such as grief or anger) have never appealed to me and I avoid them. Maybe others feel the same and that is why there are various social mechanisms to allow private emotions to take their course.   They exist for good reason and within that sphere, they ought not be...

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