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Monthly Archives: June 2015

Challenge #2 – a Cartoon

Thank goodness for the lunch break. It gives me a chance to write of the latest challenge with Leah! The first was poetry and when I can get the photos off my phone to post, I’ll show you what I came up with. We challenge each other to meet the conditions of the assignment. That...

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Night Lights for Adults

I’ve been turning over some ideas involving night and outdoor lights and a shiny car for years. Tonight I decided to see what could be found in my town, Vancouver.  I know that multi colored signage plays well on glass, and small lights in large numbers add life to the reflections. Driving around the dark...

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YouTube Channel Gets Life

I’ve been adding youtube posts to my channel. It’s fairly new so the growing list of titles are not sorted into playlists. Why would you want to go there? Family members will find family  history bits, the curious will enjoy insights that may match their own views or challenge them, and others may find solace...

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