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Monthly Archives: March 2016

POD Lulu

Lulu is a Print On Demand company through which I published my first three calendars. I went for a fourth, but the site became unhelpful and I can not complete the project without their so far unavailable help. It won’t upload some images. I’ve verified that the images aren’t the whole problem by comparing them...

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Knowing What You’ve Got

A fellow just recently bought a Lotus Europa Twin Cam painted similar to a JPS Special and sporting a five speed transmission. Now he’s expressing regret and says he’ll offer it for sale consequent to health problems that will keep him out of the drivers seat for over a year. I wrote him some advice:...

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At some point, I knew I would publish. The house is filled with art that I wish I had walls enough to put up and display. Naturally this first project does nothing to remedy that. It does put to use some of my digital odes to the little Europa. The first public offering of my...

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