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Run to Catch Up!

There is undeniable rejuvenation in getting out now and again to walk. Where I live there are many trails both through the urban space and out in the country.


I rarely walk them alone, but have enjoyed them many times in the company of friends. Somehow, it’s better that way. We naturally walk side by side except where the trail narrows. This makes for a pleasant experience.


When I decided to put up a picture in my home of the author of my faith, I designed the composition after the call to follow him, to walk with him. Now I realize that the application of this illustration is universal. Whomever the object of your devotion might be, and whatever or however you worship, you follow the teachings of that which you believe will bring you happiness, peace, and purpose. 

I follow Christ. This painting was made to remind me to follow closer. There is value in proximity. Sometimes I notice I’m lagging way behind, and then I want to catch up. The objective is to walk with him, as with a friend who knows the way.




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