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This has been a new day not in the page turner sense, but more in a new chapter sense. Yesterday I only went to the office long enough to complete some tasks, solve an unplanned server glitch, and update the new General Manager on how to do that fix for when it happens again. He protested that he’d never remember the details. I told him he would have to remember because this was my last day.

Possibly for theatrical value, maybe because of pressures, he angrily protested,

“You can’t just waltz in here and quit. We need some warning! Like two weeks. Written!”

Then he told me he couldn’t talk about it right now and left the room.

I was in my car within minutes.

As I drove away from the office I’d been running as Operations Manager for seventeen years, and where I’d worked for twenty four, I was struck by the ironies of his statement. All of them.

I’d first tendered my resignation in writing six months prior and then again two months ago and both times I was told I was “too important” to the company.


Probably they assumed I was over a barrel given my age and the fact that I’d given all my last quarter century of employment to this one specialized company. No doubt that same thinking led to the mischief that precipitated my departure now, years ahead of retirement age.

That was half the source of the irony. Written notices had been rejected twice. It was never ambiguous what my intentions were once I knew I had to sever ties.

The other half of the irony was in the demand for “written notice” of intent. I’d done that, unlike the bosses substantially lucrative promises to me that were often spoken yet never offered to me written. Their purpose was to be believed, not delivered upon,  as a retention ploy.

Today is new because it’s the first day in a very long time when my thoughts are not concerned with the welfare of the company. Yesterday I felt a twinge of regret that the day was over because I would have to return to work. Then I stopped myself and realized that things really had changed and the next day would be devoted to my own advancement rather than that of the company and it’s principals.

There will be a transition period, I am sure. It’s an amicable parting. I’d rather be in my shoes with all this uncertainty and wonderful possibilities than in his shoes despite his wealth :  )

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