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Top Secret CroMagnon Munitions Guide

I remember laugh tracks. They actually served their purpose, right up until I learned that there was such a thing and then listened closer and discovered that the exact same people laughed in exactly the same way every time there was a ‘laugh’ response to the actor’s lines. One of the voices was distinctive. Reminds me of church hymns and the fact that most congregations I’ve been in have one or two aged warblers whose wavering style stands out more loudly.

The internet equivalent to a laugh track is the “like” feature. To me, it’s a feedback. In blogs, a comment serves that purpose. Otherwise, one never knows if anyone got the joke or appreciated the clever thought. Not being responded to is the primary reason when my thoughtful little posts get deleted within a day. Feedback actually encourages one to create more of the material that people respond positively to.

Without the feedback, I’m left thinking that I alone found that particular thought to be thinkworthy. Then I have to sort out what the snag was. It could be that no one wants to expose themselves if the concept is a political hot button. It could be that the depiction works, but no one wants to be misunderstood if there’s any chance that a casual  viewer drew a wrong connection between what you commented on and some other thing in the picture. Try these:

Almost always, I’m going with a play on words or a glaring irony.

So let’s start with some pages from a compilation I’m working on for my Top Secret CroMagnon Munitions guide. The point of this little booklet is to show what Neanderthals were and how they were defeated. Spoiler: they were defeated by retreating and letting them implode. Their policies and practices only work with the support and prop-up of civilized society. I haven’t finished and am still making the panels. Some of the observations are not meant for polite company so if you have children in the room, do evacuate them from the room. No pun intended.

All this is my material. Maybe there still are Neanderthals out there to steal it, which is also a Neanderthal tendency.


This is the proposed cover page to the Booklet about the CroMagnon plan for Conquering the Neanderthal

This is the proposed cover page to the Booklet about the CroMagnon plan for Conquering the Neanderthal

who is us

The descriptor page which allows you to know who is us and who is them. We are us unless you are one of them.

The descriptor page which allows you to know who is us and who is them. We are us unless you are one of them.


An actual Neanderthal rule is that for sanitation, carry the dung outside

An actual Neanderthal rule is that for sanitation, carry the dung outside


I've met this guy more than once. This is why some believe in reincarnation.

I’ve met this guy more than once. This is why some believe in reincarnation.

Stupid Expectations

I think it's their desire to be "as the gods" and have their word be all it takes

I think it’s their desire to be “as the gods” and have their word be all it takes

Blind Followers

Neanderthals are (sorry, 'were') masterful at twisting and redefining words to make their followers okay with what they're not okay with. Blind followers will not think deeply about it.

Neanderthals are (sorry, ‘were’) masterful at twisting and redefining words to make their followers okay with what they’re not okay with. Blind followers will not think deeply about it.


Here, a CroMagnon has a much better ride. Neanderthals don't follow suitif their ride is inferior, they whine and vilify.

Here, a CroMagnon has a much better ride. Neanderthals don’t follow suitif their ride is inferior, they whine and vilify.

your restrictions are not their restrictions

Neanderthals were ahead of their time in the practice of establishing rules for everyone but themselves

Neanderthals were ahead of their time in the practice of establishing rules for everyone but themselves

Neanderthals would claim their dog wouldn’t hurt a fly and is therefore safe around children and pets. I think this image makes people uneasy. Still, it’s a fact – this thing wouldn’t hurt a fly.

For the record, I'm a cat person. But this has nothing to do with cats or dogs. Neanderthals draw the conclusion they want from irrelevant factoids

For the record, I’m a cat person. But this has nothing to do with cats or dogs. Neanderthals draw the conclusion they want from irrelevant factoids

No one wants a bad dog. But people want a dog that’s bad on demand. They sic him on those that would harm them. Neanderthals grant their dogs too much “Sic” time. Sic ’em boy!

Nope. Today is not a Sic day. Leave kitty alone.

Nope. Today is not a Sic day. Leave kitty alone.




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