A least favorite task in my office job was any time I had to go under the building into the crawl space, but it had to be done from time to time.
Entry was in the utility room where a square access door let me drop down into the dirty mess. A pull switch single bulb receptacle had an electrical outlet for a work light. I also took my flash light. One or the other would go dark at the worst moment.
There were broken chunks of concrete, lakes of water, soggy chunks of styrofoam, spiders, bundles of data cables, and the muffled sounds of a busy office.
This post reminds me of the time I made a long enough cord (I kept a 2-pair wire spool and an RJ11 crimper handy) to drag a phone down there. It was a standard at&t desk telephone such as no one anywhere now uses but which was once ubiquitous.
I then called the office and asked for Bill. The brief conversation was my one historic call from down under before mobile handsets stole the novelty of such an indulgence.
Why would I go under the building, you ask?
To install a wired cat 5 network. To add cable drops. Fix plumbing problems. Save a cat.
And why tell you about telephoning the office from under the floor with a land line?
Because that’s what this post reminds me of as I tap it out using one finger under the covers of my bed.