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The Tribe of Roi and the FSTP


In the land Chichyaboo in the Ligwatt Bae amid the Ligwatt plains lived a people fond of stories. Their story tellers were their teachers.

In this vast land with tall grasses and great expanses of flatness were communities of tribal people who lived in TeePee houses which afforded them mobility in the summer and a resort from the weather all year around.

One of the teachers, an elder of the tribe Roi, known for his ability to spin an interesting yarn grew very popular. He had a teepee where he told stories for fun and education.

He kept everyone transfixed on his stories with their mystery and beautiful delivery. People flocked to respectfully sit in his teepee and learn. Even people from other tribes came to hear. This is a big deal because they had their own story  tellers and each tribe was jealous to believe their story tee pee was the very best.

One of this elder’s grand daughters was especially close with him and she began to help with the stories from the age of nine. They knew each other well! He’d tell a story of tribal history and she would accompany his words with sound effects. She used rattles, sticks, a drum, dry grass rolled together, or some other sound effect to enhance the tale as it developed to the rapt audience.

She began to add voice sounds. She was so good at it that people came from far and wide to hear.

I would tell you that she was pretty, but who can say? No pictures exist of either of them.  Surely he was handsome and she was fetching, no matter what they may actually have seemed.

Reports about them were universally glowing. They were beloved.

This went on for many years but by and by youngsters grow up and Fayanne was no exception to that rule. She married  and started a family.

The story teller was left to himself and while people still came to hear, they longed for the whole experience.

So he found another maiden willing to fill the role. They began their work together. She’d heard the old way many a time and knew how it was done. She was also willing.

Charlette was timid compared to Fayanne and though diligent, she was also very self conscious.

It showed in her style. She was unable to jump entirely into character as her predecessor had done so well. So she was monotone during the really dramatic stories that involved war and conflict.

Where Fayette used to scream so realistically when screaming was in order, Charlette would only timidly emit such sounds. She held back. It was flat and emotionless. Never the less her timing was excellent.

What surprised the Elder was that  the contrast actually entertained people and they loved it. Her somber face rarely showed emotion during the stories and yet she delivered the sounds that would accent the stories much as Fayanne though devoid of real passion.

People knew her and none thought she was doing it deliberately or disrespectfully. They took her for what she was and the contrast between her style and Fayanne’s amused them. When a battle sequence was told, she represented the horror and anguish with a flat un-moving scream. Serious, but comical.

It caught on. Other tribes began to mimic the style. It soon became a tradition even south of the Spaga River.

The new style spread across the plain but the tribe Roi had claim on being the first of all tribes to get their entertainment and education from a Flat Scream Tee Pee.

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