Now is when we work out the kinks with the new version of the site. Be free to message me if you see a problem I should correct. I have not tested it on tablets or much on my phone.
The only issue I am stumped by is the behavior of image grids. Instead of showing up as a grid you get a slider. So if you look at the various art galleries be sure to tap the image. That seems to wake up the slider. Otherwise you may think there’s just one picture. In fact there are usually many.
I also have had to scale the new images back quite a bit so you won’t get the spectacular detail that really sets some of this art off beautifully. Alas. But that shortcoming will also be temporary.
Comments are welcome. Please test this out. There’s some good stuff to feast your eyes on, and much of it hasn’t been seen except by me, like this one from the days when I used to drive my VW Squareback around town at with pencil and papers and when I spied a sight I loved, I’d pull over and capture it before the light fled away completely.
Even at night I drew. Once, I pulled over in the Park Block of Portland and sat on the roof of my car sketching a night scene. The police drove by every few minutes. I have other night sketches in the galleries.