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Plan for this Site

For the Europa scene, I want to do some very clear step by step explanations about pesky maintenance issues that the  shop manual only addresses in a passing manner. That reference is primarily for those who already ‘know’ but just need some hand holding. It’s of little use to a first timer in some of the more problematic repairs. There is substantial wisdom in the Lotus community that can be tapped but then when the consternation and frustration are met with remedy, one just moves on. So the intent will be to save future rebuilders some of that process of discovery so they can do it right by the second or third time rather than the fifth or sixth. Hats off to all who get it right the first time, what ever it is. All the difficult roads have been gone down by someone and I think it’s good to map it out so the renovation takes a year rather than a decade or more. These are simple cars. Simply maddening, simply amazing, simply adorable.

For the art scene, I hope now to get back to the work of creating. There is much that I want to tackle. Meanwhile I have long intended to do instructional bits both in the basics of studio tasks and in the craft of art production. Maybe I can get started with that.

And finally there are the stories. That’s the reason I created the map of Chichiyaboo. Telling the stories in that setting makes perfect sense to me. The object is to remove the prejudices that known jurisdictions bring. Someone commented that it was enough trouble to keep places that actually do exist straight. Chichiyaboo does exist, otherwise the stories would be garbage. I occasionally look at maps of world locations and zoom in closely. All those cities that I’ll never know or see! So, are they real? How, if I never visit them or know any who do? And yet through the stories I do visit this land that ‘isn’t real’.

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