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Proposed new word: covidently. Meaning, ‘pandemic as an excuse‘.

We are locked down in response to a Covid pandemic and can go to a pot store but not to a job because covidently getting hallucinogens is important whereas working is not.

Convicted criminals are let out of prison, making room for rebels who refuse arbitrary ruin because covidently that is a safer trade. Release the wolf, cage the lamb. And the lamb loses everything the lamb hoped to salvage. That will show the little people who want to work!

Someone referenced a governor as Gavin Nusolini, a reference to covidental excesses. Harsh, but less harsh than his covidentializing things to achieve his possibly unrelated objectives.

In this my opinion, I don’t fault due caution. I fault capricious over reach and malicious – oh wait, maybe apply Hanlons razor – gratuitous infliction of damaging rules not consistent with their stated purpose.

But then I see from where I sit, not from where the seemingly power intoxicated leaders make their plainly arbitrary edicts.

Observe, the candle lantern from within and from without. So what I see may not be what they see, or they are only meeting objectives for some holy strategy.

Gibran was right, the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain. It looks from down here on the plain that some governors in their high places are up to mischief, over their heads, or just not thinking.

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My Initiation into Stone Carving, Almost

Sooner or later I will sculpt a realist stone figure. When I do, I’ll rightly claim to have never before sculpted one, not that I’ve never tried to shape stone.

There was that time when I was ten or so when I took an old rock and used a hammer and nail to incise the shapes of thunderbird representations and such into it’s surface. Then I rubbed dirt in the grooves, ‘found it’ and presented the discovery to my parents who pondered how to get it into a museum owing to it’s obvious antiquity.

Revealing this could set me up to be accused of fraud from a very early age. In that case, I deny everything.

Then there was the slate I got possession of which could be shaped with pocket knife and rasp to make a spear head. That was fun.

And I was given a hand sized chunk of soap stone which I carved into the shape (sort-of more-or-less kinda) of a bison when I was in high school. Did that one with a pocket knife also.

Moving forward, I carved an oaken feelie for an art class in college. In that same class I formed a little leopard of brown victory casting wax and have the lost wax casting still in my possession. In welding school I added a copper base and palm tree.

That’s it. Did a little bit of relief carving and jewelry baubles along the way. But that’s it. Oh, and there was that chunk of soap stone that I thought kind of looked like a cat head so I shaved a bit off to enhance the look.

Now I’m ready to actually carve stone. I’ve been reading about marble and alabaster and have begun to be familiar with the stuff as far as is possible without actually having any.

The all too sensible counsel I get is to maybe try learning on some cheaper material. You know – work up to it.

So imagine my surprise when I discovered a white stone in my flower bed that looked like granite.

I ordered stone carving chisels and waited, still reading what ever I could to know the lay of the land where sculpting stone is involved.

When the chisels came, I went out where the stone was waiting and promptly dulled one of the chisels on it.

Consulting with my geologist son in law, I learned how to obtain a hardness test. It’s a nail.

Nails are a five or six on the hardness scale. Carving stones should be softer than a nail. So if I take a nail to the rock and the rock gains a metal streak, the rock is too hard. If the nail makes a gouge mark, the stone might have a future with me. We could do a make over.

Right now that fancy pants boulder is on the patio serving as a weight with another rock I happened to have to hold some wood in place while I glue it together to make screen doors.

Carving stone weighs somewhere between 160-180 pounds per cubic foot. I need some. A 500-1800 pound chunk would suit me fine, so I’m biding my time. Could I actually carve a respectable statuary object in stone? Of course. I simply never have and can’t justify my confidence until I actually do the deed and prove it.

If you have a sound marble or alabaster boulder to donate, maybe I can fetch it off of your hands. Or get me an artist grade marble boulder of  around three by four  by three or four feet and take bets. If I do a professional quality sculpture, you discovered me and I keep the stone. If I fail I pay for the rock and will subsequently discover my own self.

In the meanwhile, with the exceptions named above, I have never carved a statue or figure or serious art object in stone.

My expectation is that the first attempt will be convincing and pleasant.


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Series 3 and Pink and Blue

Larissa and Kayla on my 1974 Series 3 Land Rover

I’ve long held a different notion of what it means to  have pretty girls and cars together for picture time.

38″ X 36″ oil on canvas.

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Natarajasana Clay Figure

Having not done sculpture before, I learn as I go. Here are the steps I took to create this 15″ oil based clay figure.

The clay, #2 hardness

I tried to embed a conduit for power so I could make it be a lamp stand

My inspiration and guide included the painting I did earlier this year of my young dancer friend.

Brake rotor for a car serves as the stable base.

To the wise: I have a well anchored figure here, but when I decided to add glitter I tipped it sideways otherwise unsupported. The leg broke and it’s perfectly rendered form was destroyed. I’ve patched it up a bit. I’ll keep it vertical from now on!

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I’ve Taken up Sculpture

This has been a long time coming. I’m making sculptures. Here’s the first of them.

Because of the Covid thing, I couldn’t have a living model and was left to my imagination. Yes, the clay needs some smoothing and the limbs can benefit from refinement, but here it is! I’m very pleased with it.

Oil based clay on a wire form about 15 inches high.

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