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The Day the Sun Came Out

In mid to late March, I began writing in earnest, putting the story ahead of other concerns. The car had to wait until I’d written ten pages in any day. The yard did not get put aside, and that is where I  began my work days. Thanks to the miracle of the weed eater, there was rapid progress.

Meanwhile, I wrote with gusto.

My new writing strategy was: 1) Write only what came to me as it came to me. Reporting its events as if I really was part of them; 2) Edit and revise later and; 3) stay with it.

The result surprised even me. I went places I hadn’t intended to go and reported dialog I’d never before considered.

True, now that I’m revising it and cleaning up syntactical and structural defects, I am more critical, but I’m very happy with the story and want it published.

One day not long after the first full draft was completed, I was visiting friends. We spoke for a long time of the things that friends speak of.

I was still on the “story high” (a lot like a photo shoot high and a painting-that-went-well high) and kept bringing up the story.

A family member who emerged from a needed nap came and sat in the yard with us, tossing a clear plastic ball.

I was mesmerized. I got permission and took photographs.

Larissa, Jedi master.

Summoning the ball

It all works together

I don’t know if it was the enticing creative forces or the effect of a stout evening cup of Yerba Mate on my system, but I couldn’t  sleep until 4:30 am. Just like old times! The sun had emerged in its spring splendor, making everything all the more beautiful.



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